Ukulele for Women & Girls


Sound Out! Online Ukulele Sessions with Jack Burton
Wednesdays 1st July - 16th September
2pm – 4pm via Zoom
No experience necessary
Ukuleles provided and delivered to your door!
Complete ukulele from scratch! Master basic chords to read and play your favourite songs in a friendly, supportive environment. No experience or instrument necessary - a ukulele will be delivered on loan straight to your door!
This course is aimed at female carers of any age. The definition of 'care' is very broad and includes parental responsibilities and supporting isolating individuals. If in doubt, get in touch for a chat.
To register a place please email with the following information:
Name of course
Your Name and Date of Birth
Mobile Phone Number
Address (for ukulele delivery)
Any disability we should be aware of
We will respond with full details of how to access the class on Zoom. Access to the classes will only be given to those who register via email. Consent will be required from a parent / carer for anyone under 18 years of age.


We Stand To Denounce Racism In All Its Forms


Songwriting for Women & Girls