Smashing the Stigma!

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Have you experienced poor mental health?
Do you know someone who has experienced poor mental health?
Do you feel listened to? Understood? Supported?
Do you want to find out how you can support someone who might be struggling with poor mental health?
Or would you like to learn more about the subject so you are better informed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions do come along and join our online event SMASHING THE STIGMA! which is funded by the County Durham Time to Change initiative and organised by our young Time to Change Champion, Brendan Hoar.

Smashing The Stigma! is an online event about using creativity and the Arts to challenge the social stigmas and assumptions that surround poor mental health and those that experience it.

The two hour live-streamed event will include a musical premiere, discussion of what the stigmas currently are surrounding poor mental health in its many forms, as well as guest lived experience speakers to share their stories and their own approaches to challenging held beliefs about mental health issues.

Further details coming soon.

So feel free to join in - make yourself a cuppa, ask questions, have a chat and help us create a dialogue about how to approach changing the way people see mental health issues!

Saturday October 10th
5:30pm - 7:30pm on
Free for everyone

For more information please email Brendan at

This event is being delivered and funded by the Time To Change organisation, who are challenging the stigmas surrounding mental health by getting people with and without experience of mental health issues to come together and generate dialogue.


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