Julie Ward Resigns as Director of Jack Drum Arts

Jack Drum Arts would like to announce that Julie Ward has officially resigned from her 36-year post as Director.

In her statement, Julie explained she is looking forward to a new relationship with Jack Drum Arts, enjoying the opportunity to participate and be entertained without the responsibility of office. She recognises that the Company is in good hands and looks forward to seeing it grow and develop in the years to come, building on its track record and unique selling proposition.

Julie has been a Director of Jack Drum Arts for the last 36 years, having founded the Company in 1986 with Paddy Burton. In that time, she has worked tirelessly to programme and deliver a broad range of high-quality community arts activities in North-East England, creating meaningful and lasting cultural experiences for people of all ages.

Between 1986 and 2014, under her guidance, the Company produced a rich and varied canon of theatrical productions, collaborated with schools and community groups on a plethora of cultural projects, and created countless opportunities for creative collaboration and skills-sharing with like-minded people and organisations across the world. Staff and participants from Jack Drum Arts have represented the Company in projects and collaborations on every inhabited continent. Her inspiration was local, her legacy is global.

Following her election to the European Parliament in 2014 as MEP for the North-West, she continued in her role as Director, helping to guide the Company towards its current position as one of the region’s leading community arts organisations.

“As a co-founder, Jack Drum Arts is in Julie’s blood and, whilst she will be stepping away at this point for the greater good of the company, it is necessary to pay tribute to her skills and expertise which enabled so many worthwhile and engaging adventures for the organisation and it’s many participants.”

Michele Armstrong, non-executive director, Jack Drum Arts

“South-West Durham without Jack Drum is unthinkable. By founding and nurturing Jack Drum, Julie has saved young lives and made many more. Life without Julie Ward would be unthinkable.”

Pete Baynes, Musician and Performer.

The Board of Directors would like to thank Julie for her significant and dedicated work as Director over the last 36 years, and wish her every success in her future endeavours.

The Board of Directors at Jack Drum Arts is currently recruiting candidates to fill Julie’s position once she has departed. For more information and for a copy of the application pack please email jack@jackdrum.co.uk.


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