Jackass Juniors Youth Theatre

Mondays 4pm till 5:30pm

Suitable for ages 7-12 years.

Jackass Juniors is full of drama, music, songs and stories, exploring creativity in a fun and imaginative way. Children have the opportunity to develop skills, make new friends, improve confidence and stage original performances with the support of professional theatre makers, storytellers and musicians.

Cost is £4 per session payable in advance per half term

Booking in advance per term is essential. Payment can be made via PayPal, BACS or contactless payment so we can carefully manage numbers at all sessions.

Please email:
with name, age, mobile number and details of which session you are interested in attending. We will respond with details of how to make payment.

Jackass Junior Youth Theatre is currently funded by 3 Towns Area Action Partnership and Virgin Money Foundation.


Jackass Senior Youth Theatre


Rock Band Collective