Cree Connections

Wednesdays 1pm til 3.30pm

Suitable for ages 16 – 25 years

Sessions are FREE for all young people

Booking in advance is essential.
Our Connections group is for young adults to come together to explore creative arts in a safe and welcoming space. Sessions include activities such as song writing, spoken word, drama, graffiti arts and filmmaking as a means to combat loneliness, anxiety and poor mental health, helping young people to develop improved emotional resilience whilst building skills and aspirations.

Youth led, the project is facilitated by youth arts workers who have a wealth of experience working with young people with a range of needs alongside training in Mental Health First Aid, ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Training, Prevent and Safeguarding undertaken with statutory and/or accredited training providers.

Please email

with name, age, mobile number and details of which session you are interested in attending.
We will respond with details of how to make payment and share information on our procedure to keep people safe. Places will only be confirmed once we have received a payment due to the limit on the numbers we are able to have in our workshop space.

Connections is currently funded by the NHS Health Improvement Fund via County Durham Community Foundation and the Durham County Cree Programme via Public Health.


Games Night


Afro Brazilian Dance