Afro Brazilian Dance for Adults


Join our weekly ONLINE Dance Classes delivered by local professional dancer Lizzie Klotz.

Every Tuesday, 6pm til 7pm on Zoom
Suitable for ages 16+
This dance class is a great way for people of all ages to learn and explore a range of dance styles unique to Brazil. Participants will develop co-ordination and flexibility whilst at the same time improve technique and musicality, skills that are transferable to a range of dance genres. Suitable for people with or without previous experience in dance and we of course actively encourage both men and women to take part! If you have always fancied giving it a go, but have been worried about feeling out of your depth in a workshop environment, this class is for you as its online!
To register please email with the following information:
Mobile Phone Number
Any disability we should be aware of
We will respond with full details of how to access the class on Zoom. Please note for safeguarding reasons access to the classes will be ONLY given to those who register via email and consent will be required from a parent/carer for anyone under 18 years of ages.


Afro Brazilian Dance for Young People