Afro Brazilian Dance for Adults

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Online Afro Brazilian Dance for Adults

Wednesdays (during term time) 6pm til 7pm

Suitable for adults ages 16+

A fun dance class for adults to learn and explore a range of dance styles unique to Brazil as well as other more familiar styles. Participants will develop co-ordination and flexibility, technique and musicality whilst improving confidence, physical and mental wellbeing.

Our dance sessions are suitable for all ages and all abilities, and for those with or without previous experience in dance. We actively encourage both male and females to take part!

Cost is £4 per session payable in advance per half term
Booking in advance is essential. Payment can be made via Paypal, BACS or contactless payment so we can carefully manage numbers at all sessions.

To book a place please email with ADULT DANCE in the heading and the following details:
Full Name
Mobile number
Details of any disability we should be aware of

We will respond with details of how to make payment, links to our Zoom sessions and share information on our procedure to keep people safe. Places will only be confirmed once we have received a payment due to the limit on the numbers we have in our online workshop space.

Our dance sessions are currently funded by 3 Towns Area Action Partnership.


Rock Band Collective


Connections for Young Adults